Did you know that Hitler also implemented his ideologies using an "emergency order"?
Yep, you heard me right.

I'm fighting desperately for people to realize how serious and wrong this is. We need to become the majority so that these people pulling the strings can be held accountable.
We really do need people to stop caring if what they are doing and saying is "acceptable within society", or if their "friends will think they're not "cool or not" for standing up and saying something they know in their soul to be wrong.
If we don't start standing up to this shit individually, it will continue, and get a whole hell of a lot worse if we don't. We have nobody to protect us, but us. Nobody else is going to hold the torch for us, and nobody is coming to save us.
It's genuinely become hard to not notice the blatant parallels between the past, and what is happening to Canada today. We need to be holding our leaders accountable, even on the small things, or it can have extremely dire consequences.
"It's just a mask," they say.

We've been transformed into an obedient, socialist country.
The government dictated what events are acceptable to attend.
Violent protests that instill fear are okay but church services, family funerals, and patriotic celebrations are dangerous.
Families are encouraged to snitch on each other's Christmas gatherings, because gatherings have been restricted within our own homes.
Neighbors are turning against each other because of the propaganda.
News anchors are sitting outside of churches and recording the comings and goings.
And you bought it all, without a fight.
My brain is seriously not computing how people aren't seeing what is currently allowing them to freely take away all of our human rights. It's not "just a mask", it's propaganda to make you more susceptible for when they start taking everyone's assets away.
It's a psychological and sales tactic called the "foot in the door" technique. A lot of sales people use it actually. It says, if you can get people to agree to something small, regardless how significant the thing is, they are something like 50% more likely to say yes to the actual question you want to ask them. (*Approximate Percentage)
Let me paint you a picture:
Once they get the masks,
forced business closures and bankruptcies,
universal basic income implementation,
the cross country gun grab,
then come the vaccines,
then comes the forced isolation centers,
then comes loss of all assets,
then digital currency,
and then, total reliance on the government.
Communism achieved.
...All because nobody questioned the masks, even though there was science telling us that the masks weren't needed; the business closures weren't needed.
But they got their Universal Basic Income implements, so "who cares"? Right?
So how did the Nazi's do it?
They created a problem, so that they could provide a solution.
I believe the saying is, "Never let a good crisis go to waste"?
Short Answer:
The German parliament had been set ablaze, presumably by the Nazis.
They blamed the communists, took advantage of the fears of the citizens, put their emergency powers in place, and they hit them with government funded propaganda.
That's what allowed them to take away all of their citizens civil rights.
Long Answer:
From 1933-1938 Jews all over Germany had been strategically targeted by the Nazi police forces for holding opposing views, or if they were deemed "unworthy of life", such as the Jews, disabled, and the other minority groups.
They were segregated into ghettos.
They were fired from their jobs.
Their businesses boycotted.
Banners hung in the streets calling for their banishment.
Their lives destroyed.
And the government told them all they had no legal rights, and kept pushing.
The other German people bought their story, and bought the government's propaganda and psychological manipulations, in fact, a vast majority in support of them. This didn't happen all at once. It was little by little, bit by bit.
Nazi Germany controlled much of Europe from 1938 to 1945, and concentration camps were one of their prized kept secrets.
The concentration camps had started mass-murdering Jews was 1933.
The world didn't know about the Jewish Isolation Camps until 1942 when the Soviets came across their atrocities on the battlefield. They were forced to abandon one of their concentration camps, and the soldiers came across the mass graves.
It wasn't until this point, 1942, that the whole world became aware of the true morbidity of what Hitler was providing as a solution to their problems.
So, what this means is that there were 11 years of horror for the Jewish people. Millions of people were murdered.
Nobody knew that it was happening outside of Germany.
I repeat, Mass murder.
How anyone could seriously think that mankind isn't capable of pulling off a fraud as simple as a virus?! All they had to do was manipulate the data, pay off a couple of the doctors, and censor the rest by paying off the media. Hitler covered up MURDER for 11 years of millions of people.
What's stopping them from doing the same right now, (just under a different premise)?

And then there's China
Let me paint you another picture:
Isolation camps are being built in Canada
...while China is pulling the strings
...while also trying to force us all into taking a vaccine for a virus
...that they manufactured
...and then intentionally released
....that has the same severity as the common cold.
They want to lock us up, test us (which takes away our rights legally if we test positive), and vaccinate us under emergency orders.. while we don't have any civil rights legally under the emergency act.
I'm not gonna bet my life on that vaccine not being a death shot. Fuck that.
Take, for example, my #1 problem with trusting it:
The genocide currently happening in Communist China because of religious affiliation.
People are being rounded up into camps and murdered, like Nazi Germany, and none of the other countries are intervening. That's communism in play.
Oh! AND, they've also publicly stated that they are coming for us, and have operatives in Canada.
China even TOLD US they are trying to take over North America.
This has all been their plan from the beginning, publicly.
They've taken over the board of the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, and the United Nations. This is a civil takeover.
It was very clearly orchestrated in partnership with Big Pharma, the Big Banks, and all of these Elite communist organizations. But, Why?
For M o N e Y , and C o M m U n I s M. They can help each other.
It's the Chinese Communist "for the greater good" ideology that they are trying to push right now. It's just not a racial thing this time around... instead, this war is against all of us, in the name of total population control. Recognize the psychological manipulations they (Communist Elite, Big Pharma, Big Banks, Big Tech) are trying to use against all of us. They gain what we lose.
Then there's also the Rockefeller Foundation's involvement in all of this.
Check that out [here].
If you still can't see how slippery of a slope this could be, especially with our corrupt puppet for China at the wheel (who is conveniently on the receiving end of our lost rights), I don't know what more to say to try and convince you.
We are blessed to live in a democratic first world country and are blessed to have had soldiers give their lives FOR our freedoms and liberties. People who died for the very principal of it.
There is nothing more important right now than saving and protecting our freedoms, and nothing should be more concerning.
Do you know how many people died so you could say that you were "free"? ...And you want to give that up based on fear, some fabricated numbers, and some obvious media manipulation. That doesn't work for me.
Fuck that. Let's give'em hell.
For inquiring minds wanting to do some further research,
the following videos are a great place to start:
"This 38-minute film introduces the history of the Holocaust. It begins by looking back at the major changes from 1918 to 1933 that created the political climate for the birth and rise of the Nazi Party in Germany. It explores the basis for the party’s support among ordinary Germans and the military, government, and business establishment before and after Hitler was appointed chancellor in January 1933.
After 1933, Nazi leaders used violence and intimidation, propaganda, laws and decrees, and parliamentary maneuvers to quickly destroy the remains of democratic rule. Having established a dictatorship, leaders began pursuing ideological goals. These included the purification and strengthening of the “superior” German “race” and the return of Germany to great power status through economic revival and the build-up of the military.
Jews, who were viewed in Nazi ideology as a separate and dangerous “race,” went from being German citizens with full equal rights to outcasts. They were pressured to immigrate and excluded from the racially based “people’s community” that gave many Germans, especially youth, a sense of belonging. Other excluded groups included Roma, persons with disabilities, gay men, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and political opponents.
During World War II, which began in 1939, German military conquests and alliances endangered Jews living in countries across German-dominated Europe. The German invasion of the Soviet Union in summer 1941, envisioned by Nazi leaders and the German military as a “war of annihilation,” was a key turning point on the path to the genocide of Europe’s Jews. The murder of 6 million Jewish men, women, and children required the active participation or acquiescence of countless Germans and Europeans from all walks of life."
"What prompted average people to commit extraordinary crimes in support of the Nazi cause?
In the Holocaust era, countless ordinary people acted in ways that aided and hindered the persecution and murder of Jews and other targeted groups within Nazi Germany and across Europe. On September 13, 2017, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum hosted a discussion to answer one of the most vexing questions of the Holocaust: How Did Ordinary Citizens Become Murderers?
Former New York Times reporter and award-winning author Ralph Blumenthal moderated this program with two noted scholars:
Dr. Christopher Browning, Professor of History Emeritus, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and author of Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland
Dr. Wendy Lower, Acting Director of the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and author of Hitler's Furies: German Women in the Nazi Killing Fields"