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Rockefeller Foundation eugenics involvement

Writer: C.WildfireC.Wildfire

Updated: Dec 3, 2020

Based on an excerpt from an article written By Matt C. Abbott - Nov 15, 2003

This is why we need to be on guard. A long standing history.

According to AASH's website,, the organization's mission statement:

"The Associated Alumnae and Alumni of the Sacred Heart (AASH) is a nonprofit organization of all alumnae and alumni of present and former schools and colleges directly associated with the Religious of the Sacred Heart in the United States and parts of Canada.

"The purpose of AASH is to foster a spirit of unity and ongoing communication among alumnae and alumni and their respective associations throughout this nation and the world. AASH supports and promotes the Network of Sacred Heart Schools and other ministries served by the Society of the Sacred Heart.

"AASH commits itself to nurturing in its members dedication to faith development, intellectual values, respect for personal integrity, social justice, and the unique philosophy of life that is rooted in the Christian vision of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat."

Writer, Jameson Taylor ( explained:

"The Rockefeller Foundation, to this day, continues to provide significant support to Planned Parenthood. The International PP Medical Bulletin, for example, is primarily underwritten by the Foundation and is even linked to the Rockefeller Foundation website. he Foundation has also sponsored New York University's Margaret Sanger [the founder of Planned Parenthood] Papers Project.

Most importantly, the Rockefellers determined the very tenure of U.S. and international discussions about birth control and abortion.

First, through funding population research and control initiatives at prestigious universities, such as Harvard, Baylor, Case Western Reserve, Chicago, the University of Chile, Columbia, Cornell, Hacettepe University in Turkey, the University of Michigan, North Carolina, Princeton, Tulane and the University of Washington.

And, second, through the establishment of the Population Council, the world's first truly global population control foundation."

Writer, Anton Chaitkin, also explained the following:

"The Rockefeller Foundation is the prime sponsor of public relations for the United Nations' drastic depopulation program, which the world is invited to accept at the UN's scheduled September conference in Cairo, Egypt.

"Evidence in the possession of a growing number of researchers in America, England, and Germany demonstrates that the Foundation and its corporate, medical, and political associates organized the racial mass murder program of Nazi Germany.

"These globalists, who function as a conduit for British Empire geopolitics, were not stopped after World War II. The United Nations alliance of the old Nazi right-wing with the New Age left-wing poses an even graver danger to the world today than the same grouping did in 1941.

"Oil monopolist John D. Rockefeller created the Rockefeller Foundation in 1909. By 1929 he had placed $300 million worth of the family's controlling interest in the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey (later called "Exxon") to the account of the Foundation.

"The Foundation's money created the medical specialty known as Psychiatric Genetics. For the new experimental field, the Foundation reorganized medical teaching in Germany, creating and thenceforth continuously directing the 'Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry' and the 'Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics and Human Heredity.' The Rockefellers' chief executive of these institutions was the fascist Swiss psychiatrist Ernst Rudin, assisted by his proteges Otmar Verschuer and Franz J. Kallmann.

"In 1932, the British-led 'Eugenics' movement designated the Rockefellers' Dr. Rudin as the president of the worldwide Eugenics Federation. The movement called for the killing or sterilization of people whose heredity made them a public burden.

"A few months later, Hitler took over Germany and the Rockefeller-Rudin apparatus became a section of the Nazi state. The regime appointed Rudin head of the Racial Hygiene Society. Rudin and his staff, as part of the Task Force of Heredity Experts chaired by SS chief Heinrich Himmler, drew up the sterilization law.

Described as an American Model law, it was adopted in July 1933 and proudly printed in the September 1933 Eugenical News (USA) with Hitler's signature. The Rockefeller group drew up other race laws, also based on existing Virginia statutes. Otmar Verschuer and his assistant Josef Mengele together wrote reports for special courts which enforced Rudin's racial purity law against cohabitation of Aryans and non-Aryans.

"The 'T4' unit of the Hitler Chancery, based on psychiatrists led by Rudin and his staff, cooperated in creating propaganda films to sell mercy killing (euthanasia) to German citizens.

The public reacted horribly: Hitler had to withdraw a tear-jerker right-to-die film from the movie theaters. The proper groundwork had not yet been laid.

Under the Nazis, the German chemical company Rockefeller's Standard Oil of New Jersey , and I.G. Farben were effectively a single firm, merged in hundreds of cartel arrangements. I.G. Farben was led up until 1937 by the Warburg family, (Rockefeller's partner in banking and in the design of Nazi German eugenics).

"Following the German invasion of Poland in 1939, Standard Oil pledged to keep the merger with I.G. Farben going even if the U.S. entered the war. This was exposed in 1942 by Sen. Harry Truman's investigating committee, and President Roosevelt took hundreds of legal measures during the war to stop the Standard-I.G. Farben cartel from supplying the enemy war machine.

"In 1940-41, I.G. Farben built a gigantic factory at Auschwitz in Poland, to utilize the Standard Oil/I.G. Farben patents with concentration camp slave labor to make gasoline from coal. The SS was assigned to guard the Jewish and other inmates and select for killing those who were unfit for I.G. Farben slave labor. Standard-Germany president Emil Helfferich testified after the war that Standard Oil funds helped pay for SS guards at Auschwitz.

"In 1940, six months after the notorious Standard-I.G. meeting, European Rockefeller Foundation official Daniel O'Brian wrote to the Foundation's chief medical officer Alan Gregg that 'it would be unfortunate if it was chosen to stop research which has no relation to war issues' so the Foundation continued financing Nazi 'psychiatric research' during the war.

"In 1936, Rockefeller's Dr. Franz Kallmann interrupted his study of hereditary degeneracy and emigrated to America because he was half-Jewish. Kallmann went to New York and established the Medical Genetics Department of the New York State Psychiatric Institute. The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry published Kallman's study of over 1,000 cases of schizophrenia, which tried to prove its hereditary basis. In the book, Kallmann thanked his long-time boss and mentor Rudin.

"Kallmann's book, published in 1938 in the USA and Nazi Germany, was used by the T4 unit as a rationalization to begin in 1939 the murder of mental patients and various 'defective' people, perhaps most of them children. Gas and lethal injections were used to kill 250,000 under this program, in which the staffs for a broader murder program were desensitized and trained.

"In 1943, Otmar Verschuer's assistant Josef Mengele was made medical commandant of Auschwitz. As wartime director of Rockefeller's Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics and Human Heredity in Berlin, Verschuer secured funds for Mengele's experiments at Auschwitz from the German Research Council.

Verschuer wrote a progress report to the Council:

'My co-researcher in this research is my assistant the anthropologist and physician Mengele. He is serving as Hauptstuermfuehrer and camp doctor in the concentration camp Auschwitz.... With the permission of the Reichsfuehrer SS Himmler, anthropological research is being undertaken on the various racial groups in the concentration camps and blood samples will be sent to my laboratory for investigation.'

"Mengele prowled the railroad lines leading into Auschwitz, looking for twins -- a favorite subject of psychiatric geneticists. On arrival at Mengele's experimental station, twins filled out 'a detailed questionnaire from the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.' There were daily drawings of blood for Verschuer's 'specific protein' research. Needles were injected into eyes for work on eye color. Ew.

There were experimental blood transfusions and infections. Organs and limbs were removed, sometimes without anesthetics. Sex changes were attempted. Males were castrated, females were sterilized. Thousands were murdered and their organs, eyeballs, heads, and limbs were sent to Verschuer and the Rockefeller group at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.

These people are sick.

"In 1946, Verschuer wrote to the Bureau of Human Heredity in London, asking for help in continuing his 'scientific research.'

"In 1947, the Bureau of Human Heredity moved from London to Copenhagen. The new Danish building for this was built with Rockefeller money. The first International Congress in Human Genetics following World War II was held at this Danish institute in 1956. By that time, Verschuer was a member of the American Eugenics Society, then indistinguishable from Rockefeller's Population Council.

"Dr. Kallmann helped save Verschuer by testifying in his denazification proceedings. Dr. Kallmann created the American Society of Human Genetics, which organized the "Human Genome Project" -- a current $3 billion physical multiculturalism effort. Kallmann was a director of the American Eugenics Society in 1952 and from 1954 to 1965.

"In the 1950s, the Rockefellers reorganized the U.S. eugenics movement in their own family offices, with spinoff population-control and abortion groups. The Eugenics Society changed its name to the Society for the Study of Social Biology, its current name.

"The Rockefeller Foundation had financed the eugenics movement in England, apparently repaying Britain for the fact that British capital and an Englishman-partner had started old John D. Rockefeller out in his Oil Trust. In the 1960s, the Eugenics Society of England adopted what they called "Crypto-eugenics", stating in their official reports that they would do eugenics through means and instruments not labeled as eugenics.

"With support from the Rockefellers, the Eugenics Society (England) set up a sub-committee called the International Planned Parenthood Federation, which for 12 years had no other address than the Eugenics Society.

"This, then, is the private, international apparatus which has set the world up for a global holocaust, under the UN flag."

The Rockefeller Foundation is still listed as a donor to AASH, according to the Summer 2003 edition of AASH's newsletter, "Esprit de Coeur."

If anyone was wondering where the "deep state" started from... here you go.


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