The Calgary Sun's Rick Bell wrote a pretty accurate article. I'm floored.
It was actually worthy of being called "journalism", an actual breath of fresh air, if you will.

Calgarians, and Albertans have lost trust in Nenshi. It's not hard to see why - he's clearly a WHO puppet, and "down for the globalists".
Bell says it's "because of his inability to face reality".
One councillor’s name gets mentioned. Gian-Carlo Carra, Nenshi’s BFF on council. ....Carra is now on the police commission. Be afraid, be very afraid."
See the full article here:
“I want him to run again. I’m ready for him to run again,” said Farkas ( the Ward 11 Councilor), treated as a punching bag by much of the Nenshi-led city council.
“I want to face him in the court of public opinion not in the council chamber. I want to face him where he doesn’t make the rules but where Calgarians make the rules.”
“In other words, let’s take this outside.”