I was rejected for a human rights complain the other day, and something felt "off" about it. I had met all of the criteria, and the constable who had handled my resulting complaint had even encouraged me to file the complaint with the Alberta Human Rights Commission after hearing what had happened. I won't go into details.. but something felt majorly wrong about it.
So, naturally, I started looking for their funding.

When looking into our human rights tribunals here in Canada, I was lead to a partner website, and stumbled upon this organization that is apparently running our human rights tribunals in some capacity. Go figure.
Take a cruise around your website, while keeping in mind that "sustainability" means population control methods, and the "Paris Agreement" is all of the countries that signed onto it, and China holds key seats on the various boards for the UN, the WHO, and the WEF. Also, China is currently committing a mass genocide, and is killing thousands of people based on their religion... current day.
The United Nations Human Rights (Office of the High Commissioner) has listed on their website:
"National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) that comply with the principles relating to the status of national institutions, commonly known as the Paris Principles, are playing a crucial role in promoting and monitoring the effective implementation of international human rights standards at the national level, a role which is increasingly recognized by the international community.
OHCHR, through the National Institutions and Regional Mechanisms Section (NIRMS), supports the establishment and strengthening of NHRIs and works closely with NHRIs to support them in the implementation of their broad mandates to promote and protect human rights. NHRIs perform core protection issues, such as the prevention of torture and degrading treatment, summary executions, arbitrary detention and disappearances, or the protection of human rights defenders. NHRIs also play a role in advancing all aspects of the rule of law, including with regard to the judiciary, law enforcement agencies and the correctional system. NHRIs also contribute to effective Parliaments (ideally with a Human Rights body), strong and dynamic civil society organizations, alert and responsive media, a school system with human rights education programmes at all levels and, generally, a society encouraging the objective of a universal culture of human rights. Specifically, “A” status NHRIs are one of the best relay mechanisms at country level to ensure the application of international human rights norms."
Do you trust them with overseeing our human rights?
...I don't.