May 2020, This is serious. And this is happening in Canada.

I'm officially warning you: do not get tested
It puts your life and freedoms at risk, as well as everyone around you. These facilities are not *for our health*.
Mark my words.
Let's just consider for a brief second that this could be a Chinese takeover... eeeven if it's not the case, imagine, "what if?" That would be a mighty convenient set up for them, now wouldn't it?
They factually have committed multiple genocides since Hitler.
They are dangerous, and they are trying to take over the world.
They publicly have stated their intent to implement a one-world government,
(which Biden supports, by the way).
They also are in control of our government mandates regarding the virus, socialist policies, and media censorship right now (under the guise of the WHO).
The UN, WHO and WEF funding (championed by Trudeau) has all been infiltrated by the CCP. This is common knowledge. Other countries around the world are reporting about the CCP's infiltration of Canada.
Globalist Chinese Communist Party funding is what's pushing this. Canada has been infiltrated by the CCP. Mainstream news has reported on all of this.
I really hate to use the phrase but I seriously don't know what else to say.
Wake up, people!! This isn't a conspiracy theory, I'm just pointing out the obvious for the people still clinging to their blissful ignorance.
PLEASE, get familiar with your rights, and know the truth about the risks, not what CBC and CTV are trying to fear monger.
Following these Covid orders blindly because it's "for the better good" is exactly what they wanted to be able to implement these dictatorial communist policies.
See the article below written back in May 2020:
"The facility was set up quietly by the province. It is located at the White Birch Remand Centre in Regina where female prisoners are held while awaiting trial.
“It’s for those individuals that fail to comply with local conditions and are a danger to the community,” said Marlo Pritchard, the president of the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency.
“I don’t see anything that entitles imprisonment and it may be that people have just been told, ‘well we’re going to protect you,’ manipulated or tricked.”
The provincial government believes it has authority to detain people under the Emergency Planning and Public Heath Acts. It says most are held for only short periods until they agree to other arrangements for self isolation." - Wayne Mantyka, CTV News Regina