I know I would personally fight to the death to not have to take this vaccine, and I don't say that lightly. We will have a full out civil war if they try to make Alberta take this vaccination.
Mass majority of us are fully against it.

"Alberta's health minister and chief medical officer of health say they would support repealing a piece of legislation that gives the government power to make vaccines mandatory.
The Public Health Act currently contains a section that allows the Lieutenant Governor in Council to order Albertans be immunized or re-immunized against a communicable disease in certain circumstances, like an epidemic.
That power has never been used in the province's history, nor can Dr. Deena Hinshaw imagine a scenario where it would be.
"I think if we have a piece of legislation that we're unlikely to use, I'm not sure it provides much benefit," she told the legislative review committee examining the Act in August. "I would be comfortable with that particular piece of the legislation being removed."
Health Minister Tyler Shandro told CBC News he agrees.
"If it's not intended to be used by government, has never been used in the history of this province, then I would have no problem with it being repealed," he said.
The Act is currently under review by a special committee of the legislative assembly. For the section to be stricken from the Act, the committee would include a recommendation to do so when it reports back to the legislature at the end of October."
See original article by CBC here: