Taken from Spectator's article by Noor bin Laden:

"They want you to believe that this is a recent phenomenon. The truth is that the undoing of America has been decades in the making. The globalists, Deep State, swamp, whichever name you call them, have been hard at work to weaken America’s sovereignty and standing as world leader. Intent on erecting a new system of world governance where they would be in total control, they are seeking to undermine the fundamental principle of your country, ‘a government for the people by the people’, replacing it instead with a world order of international institutions ultimately puppeteered by a caste of technocrats, oligarchs and international bankers."
"Though your Constitution stands firmly in their way, it never deterred them. Like a trojan horse, they infiltrated governmental and intelligence agencies, and all realms of society — education, media, entertainment, culture. At their disposal, tools of mass population influence: propaganda, fake news, and censorship. By pushing their Marxist-socialist progressive agenda for years, they set out to destroy your fundamental values and divide you. They negated God, dissolved the family unit, and dissevered us from moral objectivity, effectively leaving a vacuum of degeneracy, cognitive dissonance, and absurdity. This social engineering operation took place as we were lulled into a sense of comfort and complacency due to modernity’s technological progress and liberalism’s appeal. In reality, we were being driven further down a path of enslavement while they solidified their plans for a covert power grab.
However, they didn’t count on a great awakening of people tired of being crushed by their self-serving economic policies. Nor did they foresee that COVID-19 would highlight their system’s gross failings, from an over-dependence on a global supply chain to corruption in major institutions such as the World Health Organization. They didn’t anticipate that we would all rally online to share information and real news, bypassing their controlled mainstream media outlets. Above all, they never thought Hillary Clinton would lose."
..."Since President Trump’s victory, these nefarious forces have done everything in their power to stop him from reversing past administrations’ destructive policies. They have failed, hoax after hoax. Despite their relentless attacks on all fronts, President Trump has demonstrated he is the only leader who can save us from a bleak future. As evidenced by his first term, the results of his America First policy speak for themselves."
"America, you are at the very edge of the precipice. Please wake up! Take hold! Fight for your country, and be proud of your roots! Uphold your values. Stand for your flag and your anthem. Defend your history. Don’t relent in the face of those who seek to rewrite it to serve their narrative and justify the destruction of your nation. You have much to cherish and protect for your sake, and ours."
"We need you to stay the course, America. You are our last safeguard from an imminent civilizational collapse and if you lose, all humanity loses.
Be assured, we are with you in this decisive hour in your history. All of us freedom-seeking and loving people across the globe pray for you to succeed."
This is an edited extract from a letter published on Noor bin Ladin’s website.